How to Keep Pens from Drying Out

How to Keep Pens from Drying Out?

Pens, more than just writing tools, often hold sentimental value, represent professional investments, or are simply favorite instruments for creative expression. Over time, a common concern arises pens drying out, rendering them almost unusable. But why does this happen?

The crux of the matter is simple: a combination of factors ranging from environmental conditions to storage methods can cause pens to dry out. By adopting certain preventive measures and maintenance techniques, one can significantly extend the lifespan of these cherished instruments.

In the realm of writing instruments, the essence of maintaining their performance lies in understanding the reasons for drying and the associated preventive techniques. This article delves into the intricacies of pen preservation, exploring the science behind the drying process, the susceptibility of different pen types, and tangible steps to keep them in optimal condition.

The Science Behind Drying

The performance of a pen largely hinges on the behavior of its ink and its interaction with the environment.

Anatomy of a Pen

  • A typical pen consists of a reservoir, feed system, and writing tip.
  • The reservoir holds the ink, ensuring a steady supply during writing.
  • The tip, depending on the pen type, dispenses the ink onto the paper.

Evaporation and Ink Consistency

  • Ink, a blend of pigments, solvents, and other chemicals, is susceptible to evaporation.
  • Over time, the loss of solvents can lead to ink thickening, hindering its flow.

Types of Pens and Their Susceptibility

Every pen comes with a unique design and ink formulation, which means that each has its own level of vulnerability to drying. By understanding these nuances, you can better cater to each pen’s specific needs.

Ballpoint Pens

Ballpoint pens are one of the most common types of writing instruments. Their popularity is partly due to their versatility and low maintenance requirements.

  • Ink Type: These use an oil-based ink which is thicker in consistency. This type of ink is less prone to drying quickly, mainly because its oil base acts as a barrier to rapid evaporation.
  • Maintenance Tips:
    • Ensure that the cap is always securely placed when not in use.
    • Try to avoid leaving ballpoint pens in very hot environments like direct sunlight, as this can cause the oil-based ink to become runny.
    • For those rarely used, periodic scribbling can keep the ink flowing and prevent clogging.

Gel Pens

Gel pens have gained immense popularity due to the vibrancy and smoothness they bring to writing.

  • Ink Type: They utilize a water-based gel ink. This means the ink provides smooth writing but can dry out if exposed to air for prolonged periods.
  • Maintenance Tips:
    • Always replace the cap tightly after use.
    • Store gel pens in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight, which can hasten the drying process.
    • Avoid pressing too hard when writing, as it can damage the tip and disrupt ink flow.

Fountain Pens

For many, fountain pens are more than just writing tools; they are a symbol of elegance and craftsmanship.

  • Ink Type: These pens rely on a liquid ink which flows through a nib. The ink can dry or clog the nib if not properly maintained.
  • Maintenance Tips:
    • Regular cleaning is essential, especially if changing ink colors.
    • When not in use, store the fountain pen with its nib pointing upwards to prevent ink from settling and potentially clogging the feed.
    • Use ink specifically designed for fountain pens to avoid issues with flow and consistency.

Rollerball Pens

Rollerball pens offer the fluidity of fountain pens combined with the convenience of ballpoint pens.

  • Ink Type: They operate on water or gel-based inks. This makes them susceptible to drying, especially if left uncapped.
  • Maintenance Tips:
    • Like gel pens, it’s crucial to cap them securely after use.
    • Store rollerball pens horizontally to ensure even ink distribution and prevent settling.
    • Avoid using them on wet or oily surfaces, as this can dilute the ink and impact its performance.

Felt-tip Pens

Felt-tip pens, popular for coloring and precise writing tasks, can offer vibrant colors but need proper care to avoid drying.

  • Ink Type: These employ a water-based ink, which means they can dry out swiftly if not adequately sealed.
  • Maintenance Tips:
    • Ensure that the cap is always securely fastened and that it provides an airtight seal.
    • Avoid using felt-tip pens on rough surfaces, as this can damage the tip and affect ink flow.
    • As with other water-based ink pens, store them in a cool and dry environment.

Common Causes for Drying

Understanding why pens dry out can guide you in adopting strategies to prevent this unwelcome occurrence.

Infrequent Use

Pens, like many tools, thrive when used regularly.

  • Impact on Different Pens:
    • For fountain pens, not using them can lead to ink sedimentation.
    • Ballpoint pens can develop a small ink clot at the tip.
    • Gel and rollerball pens can have their water-based inks evaporate slightly at the tip, causing blockages.
  • Solution: Regularly rotate and use all your pens. Even a simple scribble can keep the ink fresh and flowing.

Exposure to Air

Air, particularly dry air, can be a nemesis for pens.

  • Impact on Different Pens:
    • Fountain and rollerball pens can quickly lose moisture from their liquid inks.
    • Felt-tip pens can have their tips dry out, making them scratchy.
  • Solution: Always ensure pens are capped when not in use. For those without caps, consider storing in zip-lock bags or pen pouches.

Temperature Fluctuations

Pens, especially those with liquid or gel inks, are sensitive to temperature changes.

  • Impact on Different Pens:
    • High temperatures can make inks runny, causing leaks or blobs.
    • Cold environments can cause inks to thicken, affecting flow.
  • Solution: Store pens in stable environments, away from direct heat sources or freezing conditions.

Improper Storage

  • Horizontal storage can disrupt even ink flow in certain pens.
  • Exposure to direct sunlight can degrade ink quality.

Effective Storage Solutions

Ensuring pens are stored correctly is half the battle against drying.

Pen Holders and Cases

  • Provides protection from external factors.
  • Maintains pen integrity and prolongs lifespan.

Vertical vs. Horizontal Positioning

  • Vertical storage (tip-down) ensures consistent ink flow in ballpoints.
  • Horizontal positioning is often ideal for fountain and rollerball pens.

Controlled Environment Considerations

  • Store pens away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
  • Consider humidity-controlled environments for high-value pens.

Preventive Measures for Each Pen Type

Each pen type comes with its own set of preventive measures to stave off drying.

Ballpoint Pens

  • Regular rotation ensures consistent ink usage.
  • Ensure caps are tightly sealed after use.

Gel Pens

  • Prioritize using pens with airtight caps.
  • Store in cool, dry places.

Fountain Pens

  • Clean periodically to prevent clogging.
  • Use fresh, high-quality inks.

Rollerball Pens

  • Opt for airtight storage solutions.
  • Refrain from aggressive shaking, which can introduce air bubbles.

Felt-tip Pens

  • Check cap seals for integrity.
  • Store horizontally to ensure consistent ink distribution.

Reviving Dried-Out Pens

Occasionally, despite our best efforts, pens dry out. Here’s how to rejuvenate them.

Warm Water Technique

  • For water-based inks, dipping the tip in warm water can reactivate the ink.

Alcohol Solution Method

  • A dilute alcohol solution can dissolve solidified ink, restoring flow.

Shaking and Tapping

  • Gentle shaking can redistribute ink.
  • Tapping can dislodge blockages in the feed system.

Ink Cartridge Replacement

  • For pens with replaceable cartridges, a fresh cartridge can restore functionality.

Routine Maintenance and Care

Just like any tool, regular care ensures longevity and optimal performance.

Periodic Cleaning

  • Prevents ink buildup and blockages.
  • Ensures smooth and consistent ink flow.

Ink Quality and Selection

  • Opt for reputable ink brands.
  • Ensure compatibility with the pen type.

Avoiding Overexposure to Sunlight

  • Prolonged sunlight can degrade ink quality and consistency.
  • Store pens in shaded, cool environments.

Benefits of Consistent Pen Care

Meticulous care not only prolongs pen lifespan but also offers numerous other benefits.

Longevity of the Pen

  • Regular care minimizes wear and tear.
  • Reduces the need for frequent replacements.

Better Writing Experience

  • Ensures smooth ink flow and consistent line quality.
  • Enhances overall writing satisfaction.


  • Reduces the need for frequent pen purchases.
  • Ensures maximum utility from each pen.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do my gel pens keep drying out?

Gel pens use a water-based gel ink that is susceptible to drying, especially in dry environments or if the pen is left uncapped for extended periods.

How often should I clean my fountain pen?

It’s advisable to clean your fountain pen every 4-6 weeks, or whenever you change ink colors, to prevent clogging and maintain optimal performance.

Can I revive a dried-out felt-tip pen?

Yes, dipping the tip in warm water or a dilute alcohol solution for a few minutes can help rehydrate the ink and restore functionality.


The art of writing is as much about the instrument as it is about the words. By recognizing the unique needs of different pen types and implementing preventive measures, one can ensure that these tools remain in optimal condition for extended periods. In the digital age, where keyboards dominate, there’s an undeniable charm to putting pen to paper, especially when the pen performs flawlessly. It’s our responsibility, as custodians of these instruments, to ensure they deliver their best, each time and every time.